Anemone is a sultry flower with a black centre. Flowers with black centres are quite unusual, this signifies the pupil and the bone marrow, dark and secretive. Anemone is the flower for gifts of healing and vision. Ancient memories of the past, knowledge.
Anemone /əˈnɛməniː/ is a genus of about 120species of flowering plants in the familyRanunculaceae, native to the temperate zones. It is closely related to Pulsatilla ('Pasque flower') and Hepatica; some botanists include both of these genera within Anemone.
Anemone are perennials that have basal leaves with long leaf-stems that can be upright or prostrate. Leaves are simple or compound with lobed, parted, or undivided leaf blades. The leaf margins are toothed or entire.
Flowers with 4–27 sepals are produced singly, incymes of 2–9 flowers, or in umbels, above a cluster of leaf- or sepal-like bracts. Sepals may be any color. The pistils have one ovule. The flowers have nectaries, but petals are missing in the majority of species.
The fruits are ovoid to obovoid shaped achenesthat are collected together in a tight cluster, ending variously lengthened stalks; though many species have sessile clusters terminating the stems. The achenes are beaked and some species have feathery hairs attached to them.[3]
HF20 Red Anemone 'KUNDALINI'
Dark Red Anemone vibrates on 770nm which is the most physical vibration in the colour spectrum. Anemone is a sultry flower with a black centre. Flowers with black centres are quite unusual, this signifies the pupil and the bone marrow, dark and secretive. Anemone is the flower for gifts of healing and vision. Ancient memories of the past, knowledge and wisdom. The person who chooses this flower will often be a collector of memorabilia, old photographs and beautiful possessions. Rooted firmly in the past, they will respect the family history and will be a fountain of knowledge and information about the past. Often finding peace in old buildings such as cathedrals and near ancient monuments such as dolmens. Trauma: Bitter anger and rage. Bereavement and torment, vulnerable traumatized and a victim of life. The dark side of life. Alcoholics, drug addicts. Anger about oneself, crimes of rage and loss of control, crimes of passion. Spiritual level. Spiritual Anger.