Aortic Constitution : Physical Journey Lower left quadrant : Baby, Babyhood - Structure - Now Circulation, Teeth, Large Intestine/ Kidney/Left Bladder Meridian Vibrates on the colour frequency of Orange, Red and Infra-Red. Essence of Cherry, Red Pine,
Cherry is a stunningly beautiful tree that provides hard wood and beautiful nourishing Cherry fruit full of vitamin C and Vit K that support healthy bone strcuture. Red Pine and Pondersoa pine are renowned for their healing powers and support of production of pain hormones such as endorphin.
HP5 Structural Integrity
Since the Heart Power Formulas are extremely powerful it is strongly advised that you only take one Heart Power Formula at a time.
THE POSITIVE AORTIC CONSTITUTION The left ventricle - Lower Left Quadrant
The positive Aortic constitution is warm blooded, passionate, exotic and fulfilled. They are very sensitive and spiritual and often experience ‘deja vue’. They may be clairvoyant and have gifts of healing and vision. Dreamy and elf like they are emotional weather vanes, feeling and experiencing changes in environment, temperature and electrical energy. The barometer. They are very secure and sensual and love to be touched and cuddled. The fruit of love, the adorable child, the baby of the family whom everyone loves. The Aortic constitution is a receiver of knowledge and love, They are compassionate, serene, sympathetic, understanding and warm natured. They are the fountain of knowledge and ancient wisdom. The lover, receiver of love, orgasm, fulfillment and conception.
The Aortic person is complete and whole, rounded and perfect. They love possessions and will often collect things. Like squirrels they hoard things and memories, memorabilia, old photographs, possessions and archives. They love beautiful surroundings and live in beautiful homes. They store memories away and will often be a fountain of information about the past.
The are happy, rich, sultry sexy and flamboyant. They love bright colours and adore beautiful clothes and lovely fabrics such as satin and silk. They are tactile, love to touch and possess and will choose professions such as collectors, antique dealers, home designers, decorators, librarians, clairvoyants, doctors, healers and visionaries.
The negative left ventricle aORTIC constitution is unhappy, bereaved oppressed, tormented by death, rejection, sadness and grief. They suffer with nightmares, fear and phobias and blocked by subconscious memories of the past, they feel lonely, sad, frightened and neglected.
The negative Aortic constitution may lay themselves open to victimisation, subjugation, rape and neglect.
This person may be lonely, jealous and needy. Searching for the love they so desperately crave, they might become promiscuous, oversexed and depraved and may have many partners before they find fulfillment.
Unable to recover from trauma and wounds, the negative lAortic person feels tormented, frustrated and trapped in their own bodies.
The conditions associated with the negative left ventricle Aortic constitution are poor elimination, circulatory disorders, Raynaud’s syndrome, haemorrhoids, constipation, water retention, cellulitis, thrombosis, varicose ulcers and veins. Pain, Chronic fatigue, hepatoxicity, acne, anaemia, encephalopathy, headache and congestion. Lower back pain and left hip disorders thrombosis, bacteria, tooth decay, osteogenic imperfections. Menstrual problems, such as dysmenorrhoea, oestrogen excess and fibroids, pre-menstrual tension, cramps and lower back pain. Genito-urinary tract infection, leucorrhea, thrush, candida albicans.
Impotence, prostate problems and lack of sexual fulfillment.
Unable to eliminate properly the negative left ventricle constitution holds on to old fears and griefs. They suffer with a deep and strong pulse. They harbour old grudges and feel guilty and victimised and may turn to crime.
Often the negative left ventricle child who has been victimised and who has not recovered will grow up to become the perpetrator of the same negativity or crime.
aortic Constitution
The LEFTventricle Receiver of life
Child of Mother
Wisdoms & Gifts
Fruit of Life and Love
Feeling changes in Environment
Earthed & Grounded
Receivers pf Life and Genetic Coding